Game Sixteen
Game Sixteen, featuring Ambush Bug, Ununnilium, Justin Carr, Monkey King, Mess, Winterteeth, Ykari, BenYitzhak and Schide66, is now complete. Could someone please tell Justin Carr that "flammable" and "inflammable" mean the same thing?
- Ambush Bug
- Could someone please tell Gene Simmons that "flammable" and "inflammable" mean the same thing?
- Ununnilium
- Justin Carr
- Despite taking precautions, Rorschach was unable to put out the bonfire with his own body.
- Monkey King
- Mess
- After his suit was gone, not even his Rorsachemask could cheer Batman up.
- Winterteeth
- Ykari
- No matter how he dressed it, Batman just couldn't get it up for the Rorshach doll. Possibly because it didn't look like Robin.
- BenYitzhak
- Schide66
- Batman's sexplay with Robin gets way too kinky.