Game Twelve
Game Twelve, featuring Ambush Bug, Mess, SnoKoneManiac, malmanous, Mess again, Monkey King, BenYitzhak, Shinji2015 and Unlucky7, is now complete. When we started this, the Pez asked how you win. As way of answer, I direct your attention to Mess's round.
- Ambush Bug
- A pirate, a nun and Batman walk into a bar.
- Mess
- SnoKoneManiac
- BlackBeard vs. Batman vs. Mother Theresa: Prelude
- Malmanous
- Mess
- Could there be a bigger teamup than a Pirate and Mother Theresa?
- Monkey King
- BenYitzhak
- Ignoring the senile old woman's nonesense, Jermiah kept his eyes on the prize.
- Shinji2015
- Unlucky7
- The temp the tooth fairy hired sorta missed the point of the job along the way.