Game Seventeen
Game Seventeen, featuring Mike, Virgie, Joyuna, bravelybravesirrobin, BenYitzhak, ash2dust, SnoKoneManiac and Justin Carr, is now complete. In hindsight, I guess that wasn't really very hard at all.
- Muhammad McGee
- It's very hard to get rid of Batman.
- Mike
- Virgie
- Batman tried his best to be the savior his father told him to be, but people just wouldn't let him into their lifes... and didn't they now he was the police?
- Joyuna
- bravelybravesirrobin
- Bruce's first alter-ego "fat man" was a good deal less effective than his later attempt, but at least the mutant pelican liked it.
- BenYitzhak
- ash2dust
- What Captain Lardass didn't seem to realize was that his power was really attracting animals by means of his batch.
- SnoKoneManiac
- Justin Carr
- Somehow, I don't think Michael Moore's new documentary on crotch rot is going to win any Academy Awards.